On 25/04/10 14:25, meino.cramer@gmx.de wrote: > > Hi, > > I updated to the newest nvidia-drivers-195.36.24 and to xorg-1.80. > Afterwards I etc-updated and recompiled the output of > qlist -I -C x11-drivers and did a modprobe -r. > I rebooted. X11 starts with no problem but the keyboard > and the mouse were not responding. > > The xorg logfiles says that there are no input-devices > specified and that module dri and dri2 couldn't be found. > A quick look at man xorg.conf says nothing about definitions > of input devices. > The previous versions has had no problems with my xorg.conf, > so something added with the latest update may have killed > the functionality... > > What did I wrong? > > Thank you very much in advance for any help in advance! > > Best regards, > mcc > > > Simple question: Did you follow the official gentoo xorg-1.8 guide and did you follow the elog msgs? justin