On 02/25/2010 01:23 PM, Johannes Frandsen wrote: > I have tried to unsubscribe from this list a few times now, but it seems to have no effect to send a mail to gentoo-user+unsubscribe@lists.gentoo.org. > > Sending a mail to gentoo-user+help@lists.gentoo.org also has no effect. > > Any ideas or pointers about how to proceed? Are you trying to unsubscribe using the email address you subscribed with ? If no, then you need to unsubscribe using that email address (which by the way seems to be jsf@imento.dk). > Joe -- Xavier Parizet YaGB : http://gentooist.com GPG : C7DC B10E FC21 63BE B453 D239 F6E6 DF65 1569 91BF