Hi everyone, I saw recently on some others threads that virtualization is being used by some of you. So, i have a question : currently, i'm running a dedicated server under Xen 3.3.1 and xen-sources-2.6.18-r12, with 11 domUs, all running Gentoo of course, and on amd64. But, i was wondering about the used kernel version. Indeed, these one begin to be very old, and i saw that on some other linux distributions, the used kernel version is 2.6.25. So here are my questions : - why 2.6.21 stays masked on ~arch (last entry in changelog date of 31/08/2008) ? - is someone still working on Xen in Gentoo ? - i know about kvm, so is there any reason to migrate to KVM instead of Xen ? Thanks a lot for your opinion. Best regards. -- Xavier Parizet YaGB : http://gentooist.com GPG : C7DC B10E FC21 63BE B453 D239 F6E6 DF65 1569 91BF