Nick Khamis schrieb: > Hello Everyone. > > Long time user not the first time fu_ _ up. I "emerge --umerrge > e2fsprogs" because I was trying to emerge gnome-light. Anyhow I forgot > to "emerge e2fsprogs" now I am recieving the libbkid.s0.1 cannot open > error message. proc mounting proc [oops] at bootup. Can I fix this > without reinstall. I trying to login under maintenance and under rescue, > I am in a read only environment and extremly stuck. I am trying to > emerge e2fsprogs but having a hard time in read only > > Yhanks In Advnaced, > Ninus. Look at the gentoo handbook and follow it (of course except of extracting tar balls and formatting disks) until you have a chroot into your system. You should then be able to emerge again. Don't forget to use a 64bit live cd if your system is AMD64.