Mick schrieb:
> Thanks Philip,
> 2009/6/15 Florian Philipp :
>> Mick schrieb:
>>> It's not just FF, but also Opera and Konqueror cannot render it either
>>> and ask to download a plugin.
>> How did you put the svg into the web site? I know for certain that FF
>> can render SVG (just try to open an SVG directly with FF). Have you put
>> it into an
> ==========================================
> When you go here: http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/svgtest.html
> Do you get to see the SVG graphics? It won't work on my machine. FF
> says "click here to download plugin".
Try something as simple as
As far as I know, is deprecated. You have to state explicitly
with which plugin you want to render it. Firefox notices that it doesn't
have the plugin for which the link is given in your example and
therefore stops to bother without even trying its own support.