> Hi,
> does anyone know a trick/package, which allows my to
> convert the pages of a pdf file to images via the commandline 
> (useable from a script).
> I have a/LOT/ of datasheets of electronics and want to make
> something like a "pdf gallery" to find pdfs faster...
> Thanks a lot for any help in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Meino Cramer

You can use pdftopnm (app-text/poppler) to generate bitmap images from
your pdfs. Then you can use pnmtopng (media-libs/netpbm) to create pngs
from them. I suppose there are also tools for creating jpegs and such
alike but I haven't looked yet.

You will probably need some tweaking to get optimal results but the
process should be straight forward.

Make sure you have enough disk space spare. Those pnms can be quiet huge.