Drew Tomlinson wrote:
David Negreira wrote:
Drew Tomlinson wrote:
I'm looking for an vncviewer for Linux that has the same features as the
Tight VNC viewer on Windows.  I really like how the Windows viewer will
scale the desktop and "remember" connections.  Also, it's very easy to
choose between "low" and "high" bandwidth connections with the Windows

I've installed the TightVNC viewer on my Gentoo box and it does not
appear to have any of these features.  I'm looking for recommendations.




You could use grdesktop that has all that features.

Thank you for your reply.  However grdesktop appears to be only for
connecting to Windows Remote Desktop and NOT VNC.  Am I missing
something?  I need to connect to VNC servers.



Sorry my bad! I was busy around here and thought that it was rdesktop =) For vnc i usually use vncviewer only, good luck with your quest.