Daniel D Jones wrote:
On Wednesday 03 October 2007 07:52:20 Dale wrote:
Daniel D Jones wrote:
This seems like a silly question, but where do you configure all of the
system sounds for KDE?  Under Control Center, there's the System
Notification tab, but it seems far from complete.  I'd like to turn off
the sounds that accompany switching from one program to another,
minimizing or maximizing a window, etc.  None of those events appear in
the Control Center (at least that I can find) nor in
~/kde/share/config/knotifyrc.  So where are they set?
Under System Notifications tab, did you see the Event Source section?
Click on it and a list of events pops up, then select the one you want
to change.  There is a LOT of them on mine.  You want KDE window Manager
I think.

Sheesh.  I knew it had to be something obvious but couldn't find it.  I looked 
through those but they all seemed to be independent programs rather  than KDE 
itself other than Systems Notification.   Somehow looked right over the KDE 
Window Manager selection.  Thanks!


Believe it or not, I didn't notice that for the longest either.  I think someone had to point it out to me.  After that I changed the theme for KDE so the little pop up menu would show up better.

Glad to have helped. 


:-)  :-)