Mick wrote:
On Monday 16 July 2007 05:54, Dale wrote:

I think it is a bug myself.  It seems to me that there should be a limit
of some kind on this file.  Maybe a time limit, size limit or
something.  Me, I just hate filing bug reports.  I have filed a few but
only after some serious guru
said I should.  I did go search to see if one had been filed but I
didn't see one filed.

Any thoughts from a serious guru about whether I should file this as a
bug with Seamonkey or not?

I am not a guru and some would argue I am not serious either, but is there 
somewhere in the Mozilla settings how much cache and space for 
entries/history it is allowed to use?  I am thinking of Opera here which 
offers you such fine tuning options.

Well, I do have cache set to 500Mbs but I did that so that it could cache images and such on web pages.  I frequent some sites that have a lot of images and since I am on dial-up, very slow dial-up, I like it to store them locally as much as possible.  Over clockers forums is one such site that takes forever to load when I have recently cleared the cache.

I think what is needed here is a limit to the downloads.rdf file's size or something to that effect.  I can say this, I love that it is now faster.  I just wonder how many other people are having this issue and have no clue what is wrong.


:-)  :-)