Dale wrote:
Billy Wayne McCann wrote:

I merged Seamonkey to test it.  Even setup my email account through it
and had it opened and reading e-mails while browsing.  Saves images
fine here, though I'm using GNOME.

Here's my emerge --info, if it helps any.

<< SNIP >>


I have wondered about that Gnome part because I have -gnome set in my
USE line in make.conf.  I may remove that and re-emerge Seamonkey, after
a emerge -N world, and see what it does. 

I did just download and install Firefox-bin and will test it shortly. 
If it works then it is either Seamonkey or the -Gnome setting I guess.

Thanks for the testing though.  At least it appears to be me and some
setting I have that is not working correctly.


:-)  :-)

Well, I found out what was wrong with this thing.  If you go to Tools > Download Manager and look in the window, there is a list of everything I have saved since I started using Seamonkey as my browser.  That was a long time.  I did a ctrl A to select all the downloads and then told it to remove them all from the list.  This thing ran for 15 or 20 minutes at full throttle until I finally gave up and killed Seamonkey.  I then went diggin in the .mozilla directory and found the file where all this is kept.  I made a copy just in case then deleted the file completely.  The file was HUGE.  After I deleted that file I went back to some of the sites I got to and downloaded some images and then saved them.  It was nice and fast again.

So, the morale of this story is to delete all that crap in the download manager every once in a while before it gets to huge.

Thanks Billy Wayne for helping me test this thing.  It got me off to a new start.


:-)  :-)  :-) 

Hmmm, I wonder if this is a feature or a bug??