Johannes Skov Frandsen wrote: >> Johannes Skov Frandsen wrote: >> >>> mailman # /etc/init.d/mailman start * Starting mailman ... [ !! ] >>> >>> Obliviously something did not went as plan, but I can't seem to find anything in the log files (/var/log/mail.*). Am I looking the wrong place? >>> >>> If not where should I look? >>> >> Try /usr/local/mailman/logs - HTH! >> > > No nothing there! > > I finally found the error log. I have included it with this post. It seems to me that there is two errors, but is one causing the other or are they independent? Any hints on how to fix the issues? -- Regards / Venlig hilsen Johannes Skov Frandsen *Address:* Egelundsvej 18, DK-5260 Odense S *Web:* | *Email:*