Thank you all for your support. If you don't mind the questions, then I will ask, providing as much info as I can so that you can help. I thought perhaps that I would have to give up Gentoo until such time that my Linux skills have improved.
On 2/21/07, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. <> wrote:
On Wednesday 21 February 2007, "Scott W. McMikle" <
> wrote
about '[gentoo-user] Recommendation':
> I have found myself
> quickly over my head and now I begin to wonder if I am not quite ready
> for Gentoo. What would you all recommend?
Ask good specific, questions early and often. Use all the Gentoo support
options (IRC/email/forums) and read the wiki. Have another, working
system available (dual-boot maybe) until you trust your Gentoo system.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =. ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-' \_/
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