I should clarify this. It has a fetch restriction on the Sun java
package. You have to download it, then move it to distfiles to emerge
it. It's a license thing I guess. I do have nsplugin in my USE line also.
I do have this jre installed:
root@smoker / # equery list jre
[ Searching for package 'jre' in all categories among: ]
* installed packages
[I--] [ ] virtual/jre-1.5.0 (1.5)
root@smoker / #
I'll give that one you mentioned a try in a little while. I'm trying to
download a Gentoo 2006.1 CD over a 26K dial-up. :-( My pipe is about
full at the moment.
Thanks for the info. I'll post back what blows up. LOL
:-) :-) :-)