On Fri, 09 Mar 2007 17:18:38 -0600 Dale <dalek@exceedtech.net> wrote:
Renat Golubchyk wrote:
On Fri, 09 Mar 2007 12:06:52 -0600 Dale <dalek@exceedtech.net>
I went to a link a bit ago in Seamonkey and a box came up that it
needed mplayer2 plugin. I don't see it in portage so can someone
tell me where I can find it?
mplayer2 is the name of the main executable of the old Windows Media
Player 6.4 (mplayer2.exe). So you just have to check that your
mplayerplug-in handles the application/x-mplayer2 mimetype. Write
about:plugins in the address bar of your Seamonkey and check if it
is the case. If it's not maybe you haven't compiled in Windows
Media Plugin support (wmp USE-flag must be set).
Then we have other problems then:
[ebuild R ] www-client/seamonkey-1.1.1 USE="crypt ipv6 java
ldap xprint -debug -gnome -mozdevelop -moznocompose -moznoirc
-moznomail -moznopango -moznoroaming -postgres -xforms -xinerama"
I don't even see the option of wmp. I do have it enabled though.
ren@tux ~ $ equery uses -a mplayerplug-in
[ Searching for packages matching mplayerplug-in... ]
[ Colour Code : set unset ]
[ Legend : Left column (U) - USE flags from make.conf ]
[ : Right column (I) - USE flags packages was installed with ]
[ Found these USE variables for net-www/mplayerplug-in-3.21 ]
+ + gtk : Adds support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
[ Found these USE variables for net-www/mplayerplug-in-3.31-r1 ]
+ - divx : Divx Playback Support
+ - gmedia : Google Media Playback Support
+ + gtk : Adds support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
+ + quicktime : Adds support for OpenQuickTime
- - realmedia : Real Media Playback Support
+ - wmp : Windows Media Playback Support
[ Found these USE variables for net-www/mplayerplug-in-3.35 ]
+ + divx : Divx Playback Support
+ + gmedia : Google Media Playback Support
+ + gtk : Adds support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
+ + quicktime : Adds support for OpenQuickTime
- - realmedia : Real Media Playback Support
+ + wmp : Windows Media Playback Support
ren@tux ~ $ quse -D wmp
local:wmp:net-www/mplayerplug-in: Windows Media Playback Support