Richard Watson wrote:

That will work just fine.  Just copy it there and then emerge will see it and do its thing.

What http or ftp address goes to the package area where I can download? Thanks, Richard

One way to get a known mirror is to do this command:  emerge -fp <package name>  It will give you a list of mirrors that should have the file and the address for it too.

If you want to, you can also go to and click the link on the left under Resources for Mirrors.  Some of the mirrors are fairly easy to figure out which is closest to you.  Pick a close one if you can.  When you click on the mirror you have picked, click distfiles.  A list should come up of all the files that are available.  Pick the one you need and click on it.  That should start the download.

If it tries to open it instead of downloading it as a file, try right clicking and select save target as.

If you don't see the exact one you need, go back and pick another mirror.  It may not have gotten the file if it was recently added.

After that, copy it to the distfiles directory and try to emerge your package.

Hope that helps.


:-)  ;-)  :-)
