Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
On Saturday 06 January 2007 12:56, Dale <> wrote 
about 'Re: [gentoo-user] net-libs/wvstreams-4.2.2-r2 failed 
[linuxstreams/wvinterface.o] Error 1':
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
What version of linux-headers do you have installed?  I believe this
is complaining about a missing /usr/include/linux/compiler.h, but I
don't have that file either.
This is what I have installed:
root@smoker / # equery list linux-headers
[ Searching for package 'linux-headers' in all categories among: ]
 * installed packages
[I--] [ ~] sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.19 (0)
root@smoker / #
Something else was complaining about that.  Maybe that package has a bug
in it??  Should I back up a version of the headers??*compiler.h&language=english&c=gentoo_search&submit=Search+File...
says that file is provided by (some version) of linux-headers, so I'd say 
yes for now, but please file a bug on b.g.o.; wvstreams will need to be 
patched (or upgraded) to not build against headers that aren't available 
(to userland) in newer kernels.


OK.  I masked that specific version and got a older version.  Will try that and see what blows up.  ;-)



:D :D :D :D
