Daniel Iliev wrote:

If you are ready to delete all your settings un-merging won't be needed.
Just close seamonkey and move/delete your mozilla-home folder. The next
time you start seamonkey it would appear as if it was just installed.

for example:
mv ~/.mozilla ~/MOZILLA-BACK


But I would also loose my email.  I archive all these emails just in case.  I also already have a ~/.mozilla.old as well.  There was something corrupt in there and Seamonkey did not like it.  It started after switching to Seamonkey from Mozilla.    When I tried to copy my email over, whatever it was was in there as well and Seamonkey was very flakey.  The only fix I could find was to rename it to .mozilla.old.

Makes me wonder though.

Thanks for the tip though.  May end up doing that, again.  :-(

:-)  :-)