Alan E. Davis wrote: > I haven't noticed this ebuild before. I am seeing a new ebuild in > > /usr/portage/x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers > > Can someone explain this? I can only hope this is the end of a long > and troubling issue with xorg and nvidia-kernel. ???? I fear not, > however: (I am running with ~amd64) The nvidia driver maintainers decided to switch them to a single ebuild, since it matches how they're distributed and makes a number of issues easier related to maintainance, FreeBSD drivers and, for users, version mismatches between kernel module and userland driver. Also note the new nvidia-legacy-drivers package for older cards, so you don't need to fiddle around with package.mask anymore. > | RDEPEND="kernel_linux? ( virtual/modutils | > | || ( x11-base/xorg-server virtual/x11 | > | !>=x11-base/xorg-server-1.0.99 > | || ( media-libs/mesa virtual/x11 ) > | app-admin/eselect-opengl > | kernel_linux? ( !media-video/nvidia-kernel ) > | kernel_FreeBSD? ( !media-video/nvidia-freebsd ) > | !app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-nvidia > | !x11-drivers/nvidia-legacy-drivers > | !media-video/nvidia-glx" > > Maybe I just didn't notice this before? I think not, however. I have > found a couple of messages on the forum referring to nvidia-drivers as > a new replacement (??) for nvidia-kernel/nvidia-glx. Does this mean a > major xorg downgrade? No binary drivers currently exist for use with xorg 7.1, so you'll need to downgrade xorg-server to 1.0.x and any drivers (`emerge portage-utils && qlist -I x11-drivers/`) if you want binary drivers. That's what's holding 7.1 from being marked stable on x86 and amd64. > I have nvidia drivers and glx working pretty well, with only very > minimal redrawing issues maybe two or three times over the last 24 > hours. Should one avoid any upgrade, or what? If so, HOW? Uninstall nvidia-* and install nvidia-drivers. Thanks, Donnie