Bruno Lustosa wrote: > I *just* found out what was wrong. > The bozo package was libX11. To merge the old version I had to merge > the old xproto though. > This was very very hard to find out. Perhaps someone ought to add > libX11 to that mask list so that people who want to stick to xorg-7.0 > doesn't accidentally merge newer version of libX11 without having > xorg-7.1. > I'm adding >=libX11-1.0.3 to my packages.mask. It's ~arch, you shouldn't get it unless you're running an ~arch system or specifically added it to package.keywords. I don't think it should be tied into having anything else upgraded, with the exception of xproto 7.0.7, so I'm a bit surprised you're hitting these bugs. Good job tracking it down, though. Thanks, Donnie