Paul Hoy Gmail wrote: >Hello, > >I'm confused about running Beagle on a Gentoo reiserfs filesystem. > >Gentoo provides a HOWTO Beagle ( >and uses a reiserfs filesystem (included extended attributues) as an >example throughout. However, the Beagle Web site states in its FAQ >( that Beagle does not support Reiser4S: >"Reiser4 does not support the standard Linux extended attribute >interfaces, but instead implements its own. If/when Reiser4 supports >extended attributes, it will be supported." > >The Gentoo HOWTO wiki explains that a user should enable extended >attributes for his or her filesystems, and shows how you can do so >with Ext2. The author of the wiki says you can do the same with >reiserfs, but I don't recall seeing the option in the kernel (when I >configured it a couple of weeks ago). > >Finally, the Gentoo Wiki author adds the "user_xattr" option to the >reiserfs entry in fstab. This suggests that reiserfs is supported. The >fact that the option doesn't appear in the kernel, suggest that it's >not. And, the fact that the Beagle Web site says reiserfs is not >support Beagle also suggests that I can run Beagle on an reiserfs >filesystem. > >Any leads, hints, suggestions, solutions, answers? > > > Hi, Using reiserfsprogs-3.6.19 (reiser-3) and also have extended-attributes support in kernel-config (reiser-3). Haven't checked but think/remember that reiserfs-4 has it's own security/encryption things (in filesystem). IMO above wiki in for reiserfs-3 only and will work with it. Extended-attr. for reiserfs are under reiserfs-config. HTH. Rumen