Dmitry S. Makovey wrote: >For past couple of weeks as I was doing emerge --sync and emerge -uDNp >I've noticed that libgsf has "jumping" versions. That is one week >it's 1.12.0 another 1.10.0 and it swings from one to another. Does >anybody know what might trigger this behavior? > > > Hi, At least two packages depend on libgsf so when one wants to ungrade it "wants" version 1.10.0 while the other depends on: >=libgsf-1.12.0, but that's only one scenario. Try "emerge -DNu world -ptv" (see -t | --tree option). Maybe the newest libgsf is 1.12.0 while some app depends only on a lower version: 1.10.0 also possible. Check w/o "-D|--deep" option for second case. HTH. Rumen