On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 1:52 PM, Mark Knecht <markknecht@gmail.com> wrote:
  I was updating an old machine overnight that stopped with some
messages inside of a mythtv emerge with issues about qt and libexpat.
I vaguely remember we all had problems with libexpat upgrades a year
ago so I've been searching around for the Gentoo update instructions
but I'm not finding them. Anyone know the right search terms?

Expat upgrades for versions greater than 2.0 will make some dependencies break. revdep-rebuild usually solves it with no problems.

Ricardo Saffi Marques
Laboratório de Administração e Segurança de Sistemas (LAS/IC)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
Cell: +55 (19) 8128-0435
Skype: ricardo_saffi_marques
Website: http://www.rsaffi.com