Yep. That's what fixed it to me. I re-emerged my *dm and it started working. In my case: gdm.

On 1/22/08, Etaoin Shrdlu <> wrote:
On Saturday 19 January 2008, Ricardo Saffi Marques wrote:

> I went through something similar once. KDE informed me there was no
> greeter configured. So it simply refused to lock the session. I then
> did something about gdm (yep, even though I use KDE I prefer gdm) and
> it started working.

When I got the no greeter message, reemerging kdm fixed the issue.
-- mailing list

Ricardo Saffi Marques
Laboratório de Administração e Segurança de Sistemas (LAS/IC)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
Cell: +55 (19) 8128-0435
Skype: ricardo_saffi_marques