I think it's not a group issue. I put myself at cron and crontab groups, just in case. If it was a group thing, you wouldn't even be able to "crontab -e".
I edit my cron table using: "crontab -e" (no extra parameters needed). Check it out by "crontab -l". For root, I do the same.



On 1/22/08, Michael Higgins <linux@evolone.org> wrote:
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 15:48:05 +0000
Neil Bothwick <neil@digimed.co.uk> wrote:

> On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 07:36:46 -0800, Michael Higgins wrote:
> > Is anyone using cron (vixie-cron) without a real MTA and getting
> > emails? The test is simple, just "echo hello world". I expect this
> > to come as an email to the address I put in MAILTO="". But it
> > doesn't.
> It works on several boxes here. Is ssmtp working correctly? Try
> echo -e "To: Me\nSubject: ssmtp test\n\nssmtp test" | /usr/sbin/ssmtp
> youraddress
> If it fails, check /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf, particularly the mailhub
> setting.

No fail. Worked like a charm...

I edit my crontab like sudo crontab -u mykhyggz -e

At the top, is MAILTO="email@isp.com"

My user belongs to cron group: groups
wheel cron users mykhyggz

Cron is running: top bn1|grep cron
5068 root      18   0  3072  692  552 S  0.0  0.7   0:00.00 cron

15        08      *              *       *            echo hello world

should have sent me an email with 'hello world' in the body at 8:15, or
so I believe, but didn't.

What else can I check?


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Ricardo Saffi Marques
Laboratório de Administração e Segurança de Sistemas (LAS/IC)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
Cell: +55 (19) 8128-0435
Skype: ricardo_saffi_marques
Website: http://www.rsaffi.com