On 9/29/05, Fernando Meira wrote: > > > # du -sh .ccache/ > 965M .ccache/ > > # ccache -s > cache hit 4569 > cache miss 32736 > called for link 3200 > multiple source files 7 > compile failed 618 > preprocessor error 209 > not a C/C++ file 1420 > autoconf compile/link 3617 > unsupported compiler option 1214 > no input file 2570 > files in cache 65472 > cache size 960.6 Mbytes > max cache size 2.0 Gbytes > > Can it be just because it's inside root's dir? > > Cheers, > Fernando > Depends on what features your using, but yes is probably the correct answer. Not 100% certain about all the features that can have this affect but userpriv would definitely prevent use of that ccache location when compiling. If it is enabled you can disable it and allow root to build, but personally I think a better bet is to use a different location for the ccache. -- Darragh Bailey "Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"