On Thursday 25 September 2008 06:05:20 SOrCErEr wrote:
> As you can see, there is a package "vigra" with flag "U".
> As I know, U is need to update, and if I do emerge --update world, it will
> be update.
> But there is no "vigra" in result of "emerge -p --update world"(with --deep
> also).
> Of course, it still shows flag "U" if I do "emerge -p vigra"
> What is difference with emerge --update world and emerge vigra?
> And how can I update all new package without exceptions?
try using --with-bdeps=y
Ref: man emerge
The difference is that some dependant packages are only required to *build*
something else, not to *run* it. So, the dependant package is only remerged
when the package is depends on is itself rebuilt. --with-bdeps=y removes this
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com