From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id D49A51382C5 for ; Sat, 6 Jun 2020 15:07:44 +0000 (UTC) Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with SMTP id 5507BE09CB; Sat, 6 Jun 2020 15:07:40 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::f2f]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id F3298E09A6 for ; Sat, 6 Jun 2020 15:07:39 +0000 (UTC) Received: by with SMTP id fc4so6252983qvb.1 for ; Sat, 06 Jun 2020 08:07:39 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=subject:to:references:from:openpgp:autocrypt:message-id:date :user-agent:mime-version:in-reply-to; bh=Gaui5Yu11gN0TA6XFLOSTwr759PYe/Fs0clrFap7Sgk=; b=AZ0QIF6EsFcc/2oDZu+Qva15nUMXmNgYYQLLSfACeIqxtMMlLbSphx6eGhYOZkap0j K27XhEOTf2c1VTm9hzD8RA2Woa6YRb/SNmWgkqJCSuZjIB/xtlBWCFhDTkihP3BiudZX SZVfQ87DZYP5d3GrX9JTxecswJM6sY0KhHx2UjBhWT3pUYQ1MB2fRe7Mx7jBebRXIH+E BjwMoZnFcvgpbkiLzQkaBdBMQmb8ZonUDCN9ZVndc+TTDP8zU88uHVhv+FvM0rlAOzwD q+3BZDrqH+HwDeCGIU1o5v8VQbg42Y5aKo2ZBHNGt8b73rhk6lgVrOMPQM0THpA9Btta xBng== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=x-gm-message-state:subject:to:references:from:openpgp:autocrypt :message-id:date:user-agent:mime-version:in-reply-to; bh=Gaui5Yu11gN0TA6XFLOSTwr759PYe/Fs0clrFap7Sgk=; b=gD51Ju5g45ed5d8GvkIzUSx/B0TqXdr/+Q3hq5XsPUevQR4W+2Udaa1Q6+fQqtgwRd 5iVWxZtWjFgSvKFIr3hZAwMG0o2z/uUrK4h++6PBLC4M2ZULUXDkuhyb+YjdZ8CylTPw wXLHWIOYm9Lv6wbVNXALRVFSGSQyw38dqFpZG84mIa9BEfQtRMDXRS7D9UdAwXUeVNqb V8lDrC/xZ5YFI4uU8fewwu+2N0Zk+HK4VphawCgGc/Z4VEAZ0BONj59mMJxodf22aEXM 3E2/4hiNB1FzuE3ATCLAaKGy/3/XGlrbgik22gFTGsbXAfmJ0FjvlPHtJdo0W2mQZJux c4cw== X-Gm-Message-State: AOAM5338N3gTIXk9GncqC6zg4093/Y58551lHs8bguQl9x4JqoDoNGhz +juU7cN03LidCgzdQuGfzTM= X-Google-Smtp-Source: ABdhPJw4WmA7eQHY+/6OUS6shFT6E+1dfK6/ZiRBhXjQL6a/TDAMw6Kjw4h/UQiXLuwryYO+ql5Stw== X-Received: by 2002:ad4:4d09:: with SMTP id l9mr15229694qvl.8.1591456059286; Sat, 06 Jun 2020 08:07:39 -0700 (PDT) Received: from [] ( []) by with ESMTPSA id z4sm2909548qtu.33.2020. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 bits=128/128); Sat, 06 Jun 2020 08:07:38 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Encrypting a hard drive's data. Best method. To: References: <> From: Dale Openpgp: preference=signencrypt Autocrypt:; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= mQINBFxc7MgBEAC+zrgEdqJJiDe/UDAB+ScmferXWfJTVjbVT2T4DQ7jiLrgP9aNUo1HioNF mrU3JPOCR32gvZyTbY1+niO5+VSo/+pSqQ785h6ZDj1klMkrg6tEzGnf2MNBpBj4houZwxQ+ WDKKTg2M9F+lv8wTIdR/JQn+hSviktLMtrghQlyLhpapsLXWLA6gMFebpQYwxUwemvan8ddX lQvJe9FGyFYvBi0dp1gl10F2O+DVZJxvX8xkX+yImVlhVJiC31gXHRcj+Qlo7gprlU7TIieF Uow6/ZvYKJ26pztVdFCg5w0rMJkF/x8Zd4A6wnuptiAPmWaQ1+YKgYDonbDUgwqFSx5/lN5z DGZ4LlioxeUTTPVvZsqBIeDz6jNFA583OYbo1/S26dqrvTFf2DKlsvoDpVfAhNlwJPjoixs0 X3FNqPv+M10n4kq5Iz7Q9E3O4s/nfFIYGocEslVka7zZPkXSaHbsn+KJlY8XV6qxtCEdh0/V XX1+1aU2J74M0JikWhpwxTZ1dP5aOyWSPPEgFFIRW6xwwC02SoRH9a7mggfGYp/YjPlONNaT SCL8sgRfvmq3D0XTbLyTjSbExxkfKDmbePQagawDE3TlI/oivHf1JaAcbwMb3LZuU4TGcOIl 5D+x7q0MUIeCop0ZFOwAnqW3AVVNvsBkv2KN+IHJryWAf0/iMQARAQABtBtEYWxlIDxyZGFs ZWsxOTY3QGdtYWlsLmNvbT6JAk4EEwEIADgWIQTZ7suruPBaS60bCYXvEM/XWu+ZnAUCXFzs yAIbIwULCQgHAgYVCgkICwIEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRDvEM/XWu+ZnN+7D/4/1dNG4aCz0+v+ 0dcjV5tY1feYEWCdHKyDzxWBxlCpd/0NPRQeNY4VMjbCl/sq7GkXi/c2SbfWDQ5BQRkkExG1 pSwuXSIehGok/4fpTi3HDAguRvzdCqlKPt7me05FyiC/WnpY5GOlJ3ruGw2qABv/RmV2q5b/ tkq7h1y1f16DTNr3/nsj8HzHcrHdXdL4kaYChSOe/dbQR9Stqak7eMyR+iwvrJMNF/CGl70P 2x5ybsXMDzRVOqNcpa5ZdhEMTVh6+vC1SOmm1BFMF8XCqBEvBbcHWDQmGYTdNCsS/ADm8CBl gvjJgLdIsAzoMu4WHQDFnzXAoArqFWgAf53isOS4AWrv29tF9b8Aa1vb7h5JEa+ArcMsA6Gl X38+GY6WXXaxKI9n3PTCWu9tPGnRh7mABjnwEosDDqmzw8aTAYECb3avDuGY2rmcjgh4H6RE w08d63j1T4d5J9wlm4TGtW/VHgbUFkATEdH3Acl/EjFiyqTiX7p8kU6Reu5enIkogA93xoQh Rmy7ZiST/5LN+ZkaOdyjIw0L+5KalslN9SKt809YxgJ6kPo657LNTFPiFvFA46/SEWcBYrzq Xk0wEW0gBRWf+BqN0qRhU0/EQ+QfRdLLFg2xtUePwlheYLXxfyDLrdCCOLWYpkzbjCZHLS4u 69smbvR9S9KBDNzJybxEWrkCDQRcXOzIARAA5IGRWTqaM44IJgBYghZg2fGj0Am7KWPhE7V7 T/EEe7vVSUEFqHtlHzI4ZK6Q0AZ9uAEjE8IJIQ7KoTjzNqAtabP0vp3s0szgtJlsZ+8vGKlQ my7fvzSrdoQL0Xn7CEwJYFXJ1EMUcYIQeoHG1cUAaXx73k9BFbjwjnUeMrqlV/ZovQlg7duW nESfQ7HZu5NrtYyY3jPMUouxiO9WQPh+IHxZbt1absF2VcvRAymD32RxGvMPbw6ChMRD/p9O 4PH7M5rXaxr78NXQX9E48vrI00f1cYb9NSN1HnSV8cW3jKObVjdBk6jPQwrMvdpgdQhUB9aZ HS/9mC9mmAgiXKyCpzXe7FPB6QznSfn4GIaC/luy1e6SLUkJhRK/niB+gq+Mfxg2zXNuDUTI cMGmpDCp3kgUoorkaltk8RW09io95BkXrGhcDNuSGZfAParBc7RXyYpbIcax8St7tEAd2oFh 4seYOPUlzuhGrPpqR/91wrFc4E1260GKauSr4UhMJv6tygBwyC0mmBMKi+ZXw6ZdZxA5fg7y 35P3TILjznCXXTDgRHq9A3NknKRMcgFacX6eIhANkMFo6oJVjuEgy1dvu1wFfDq7c+i8GAHu L4pYzyXYu6PporlNNU0xSwdVgzM/uuK0lt+UxCimgC+YR3IezgDcbfudb7h9dGIwL+bbPL0A EQEAAYkCNgQYAQgAIBYhBNnuy6u48FpLrRsJhe8Qz9da75mcBQJcXOzIAhsMAAoJEO8Qz9da 75mcXZ4P/1YXgWDZek7mhzrf6uaQzMxa92P89HeWz4PlgB/32symeEFAV04WazzBZffI8AYY rGA1Xmu/2VaB9+FOODyKhUWBc2UL0NRWBk6POwboyTdKlclmpixaN9zLcBt0YLejoRfN1B/5 aQf9/lUDZMnAiCyz0FgeqEMUshldmwWC35RqnjrCbbuk2vIqSH6BLDIXU6jQrLHE1DF0ai41 wLtQFAFXPhn45n0ZwYhVs4Z32z4sjXrIvgBgCaXa4HM+L1Klne0KiNM8ReFTTpTE0SgyDOSZ O3MOa2n77i6JbVtsbiFYnNeP3J9S/l3jevGpZEtNQOKrIm1MW8jGuHWtsDeMkT/mCcSodlkt PxIo+mMK9GpGvG2hW80LiohqNfUbNwAmr3blOYY4URPXPRnEnPs4pmTmL5owjw2dkg145i9I D42Tq+XZ6YtWt3SGzGbAYow6XwTwZ5NFAzV9UQuCGrDw4KWan6O6Z+VIYWsn0UMZlu1Obxna aocofkaUCbISK26kImuD1aA8juSHC18Qv1xUage6/UakbSxyDtACqt6hOVFKX3IA59ApdNRT +2x3iCmlvF9MJsGgFq6IpqL+Fk7iWV8Kjbz0wQOId6N9+JdQh3LrLaS7a1PowUm1z9DK5/O0 Yg+gpDnEOOFI7WM5u7a7FSM2Z/LXGVwel/0eWvLk9tN6 Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2020 10:07:37 -0500 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.2 Precedence: bulk List-Post: List-Help: List-Unsubscribe: List-Subscribe: List-Id: Gentoo Linux mail X-BeenThere: Reply-to: X-Auto-Response-Suppress: DR, RN, NRN, OOF, AutoReply MIME-Version: 1.0 In-Reply-To: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="------------30E52B66C828CDAC171324F7" X-Archives-Salt: f2657e21-d28e-4e4e-b99c-7d7cea328d16 X-Archives-Hash: 6432393b2f234dd95c720c2c3de74c5b This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------30E52B66C828CDAC171324F7 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit antlists wrote: > On 06/06/2020 08:49, Dale wrote: >> First drive seems to have died.  Got part way copying files and >> things got interesting.  When checking smartctrl, it even puked on my >> keyboard.  Drive only had a few hundred hours on it so maybe the >> drive was iffy from the start or that enclosure did damage somehow. >> Either way, drive two being tested.  Running smartctrl test first and >> then restart from scratch and fill it up with files or something. > > Take it out the enclosure and it might be fine. I regularly have > drives "die" in an enclosure and then work fine when I take them out. > > That's why I bought an open bay - it's eSATA and the only bit of the > drive that is enclosed is the connectors. Keeps the drive from cooking > ... > > Oh - the other thing - if it's PMR and you're copying files onto it, > expect a puke! That thing on WD Reds going PMR, I copied most of that > on to the linux raid mailing list and the general feeling I get is > "PMR is bad". > > Cheers, > Wol > > I may test it later by connecting it directly to the SATA card but I suspect the drive is bad.  I managed to get the selftest data from the drive once after several tries and it had a lot of failures.  It had more than one type of error as well.  At this point, I don't see me trusting any data on it anyway.  The first type of enclosure I think is just cheaply made.  The new types, rock solid.  Read other replies, yea, SMR isn't good for my use case.  I do have a external drive that I do incremental backups on that is SMR.  It works OK but the other day I had a rather large list of new files.  It got a little slow toward the end.  I suspect its PMR section got full.  It eventually finished but I did notice a slow down, a good sized one.  Avoiding SMR like its the plague.  Reading other replies, some two or three times.  ;-)  Lots of good info.  I'm wanting to encrypt /home but also want another drive that when I'm gone, it is no longer accessible.  A person can dd the drive or something and start over but not access the data on it.  Right now, the 3TB will be more than enough for that.  Thanks to all for the info.  Getting new reading glasses today.  Should have new prescription glasses this coming week, hope anyway.  Sometimes it takes a while to get the lenses made.  They have to use a really complicated process.  I think each lens costs around $200.  My eyes aren't much to work with.  Basically, I'm more cyclops, just in the right place.  :/ Dale :-)  :-) --------------30E52B66C828CDAC171324F7 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
antlists wrote:
On 06/06/2020 08:49, Dale wrote:
First drive seems to have died.  Got part way copying files and things got interesting.  When checking smartctrl, it even puked on my keyboard.  Drive only had a few hundred hours on it so maybe the drive was iffy from the start or that enclosure did damage somehow. Either way, drive two being tested.  Running smartctrl test first and then restart from scratch and fill it up with files or something.

Take it out the enclosure and it might be fine. I regularly have drives "die" in an enclosure and then work fine when I take them out.

That's why I bought an open bay - it's eSATA and the only bit of the drive that is enclosed is the connectors. Keeps the drive from cooking ...

Oh - the other thing - if it's PMR and you're copying files onto it, expect a puke! That thing on WD Reds going PMR, I copied most of that on to the linux raid mailing list and the general feeling I get is "PMR is bad".


I may test it later by connecting it directly to the SATA card but I suspect the drive is bad.  I managed to get the selftest data from the drive once after several tries and it had a lot of failures.  It had more than one type of error as well.  At this point, I don't see me trusting any data on it anyway.  The first type of enclosure I think is just cheaply made.  The new types, rock solid. 

Read other replies, yea, SMR isn't good for my use case.  I do have a external drive that I do incremental backups on that is SMR.  It works OK but the other day I had a rather large list of new files.  It got a little slow toward the end.  I suspect its PMR section got full.  It eventually finished but I did notice a slow down, a good sized one.  Avoiding SMR like its the plague. 

Reading other replies, some two or three times.  ;-)  Lots of good info.  I'm wanting to encrypt /home but also want another drive that when I'm gone, it is no longer accessible.  A person can dd the drive or something and start over but not access the data on it.  Right now, the 3TB will be more than enough for that. 

Thanks to all for the info.  Getting new reading glasses today.  Should have new prescription glasses this coming week, hope anyway.  Sometimes it takes a while to get the lenses made.  They have to use a really complicated process.  I think each lens costs around $200.  My eyes aren't much to work with.  Basically, I'm more cyclops, just in the right place.  :/


:-)  :-)