On 22 April 2013, at 15:51, James wrote:
Many of the newer, more sophisticated emoticons
only show the raw ascii characters. [1]
[1]  http://fun.resplace.net/Emoticons/ascii_list.php

Are you sure that there are graphical equivalents for all the emoticons on that list?

I would only expect to understand a fraction of those, myself.

I think you should just try to find fonts for all the unicode and emoji characters.

On my Mac, all the characters show up in the table:

And it looks like all but 4 of these ones do:

That is to say that I can take the icons of a hamburger, ghost or crying cat and copy and paste them into a *pain text* document or email (and they'll display ok). 🍔 👻 😿

It looks like you might be able to use the Segoe UI font if you have a recent version of Windows installed [1], Sybola (right hand side on this page [2]), or some Android fonts that provide these characters [3] [4] [5].

Whilst I would probably just avoid non-standard emoticons myself, this solution seems better than sending HTML emails, which appears to be required by the other suggestion (installing Thunderbird the Smilie Inserter. Here, these characters even display in the terminal emulator (see attached screenshot). 


[1] http://thommck.wordpress.com/2011/12/15/youve-got-emoji-smilie-characters-discovered-in-a-font/
[2] http://users.teilar.gr/~g1951d/
[3] https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/tree/master/data/fonts
[4] http://www.xda-developers.com/android/jelly-bean-emoji-font-on-ice-cream-sandwich/
[5] http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1879056