gcruft seems to have died off (https://www.google.com/search?q=gcruft only returns ebuild results). I was using it quite a lot and wrote many exception files. It's gone now with no way for my or anyone else's ebuild to get the original source. I did preserve it though, here: https://gitlab.com/Tatsh/gcruft I wrote a replacement in C named gcrud. It only needs GLib2 installed to work. It's much faster than gcruft ever was. The code is here: https://gitlab.com/Tatsh/gcrud https://github.com/Tatsh/gcrud I am placing preference in GitLab for issues and merge requests, but I will accept PRs from GitHub. The whitelist https://gitlab.com/Tatsh/gcrud/blob/master/whitelist.c is currently hard-coded and limited but the results are satisfactory for now in my use cases. Type use case: sudo ./gcrud | sort -u > out.log Examine out.log for things you can delete. There are absolutely zero calls to delete files from the machine in my code and never will be any kind of automation support. If anyone tries it out I certainly would like to see your output and get some bug reports or suggestions. The main feature planned is reading from a configuration file for exact file paths and regexs. -- Andrew