Hi all :D

I think what "-march=your_arch -O2" it's enough, because -O3 it's highest but have some details
(http://gentoo-wiki.com/CFLAGS#-O2_or_-O3.3F ). My guess is "-march=your_arch -O2". I was compiled my entire system with those flags and my applications no matter which have a very good functionality...

I hope give you some help to make your decision...

On 4/9/07, Alexander Skwar <listen@alexander.skwar.name> wrote:
· maxim wexler <blissfix@yahoo.com>:

> One suggests using -O3 -pipe, the other, -O2 without
> the pipe.

The resulting binaries of a -O2 -pipe compile will be
the same as those of a -O2 (no pipe) compile.

See http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.2/gcc/Overall-Options.html#index-pipe-81

> How much difference does this make? Is the extra level
> of optimization with pipe the equivalent of the lower
> level without?

There's no extra level of optimization.

So the question boils down to: Is -O3 better than -O2? Answer: Depends.
On a system with not that much cache, it might not be.

Alexander Skwar
BOFH Excuse #16:

somebody was calculating pi on the server

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

['Cause without love I won't survive, I love you]. I

Francisco Rivas
2.6.19-gentoo-r5 x86
udev v087 gnome 2.16.2
xorg-x11-7.1 hotplug v20040923-r2
e-mail : fjrivas@uc.edu.ve
msn : taken2k4@gmail.com

Version: 3.1
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