Thanks Morten, but that AIX server only provides telnet access. :(

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Morten Holt <> wrote:
Weifeng Liu wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I need to exchange some files between a AIX developer server and my
> gentoo desktop, actually it is not a gentoo request :-). There is no ftp
> client tool or file server setup on that AIX server, and I don't have
> enough power to install any binary tool. So, I think it is possible to
> use script on AIX, then it will get/put files from/to my gentoo's ftp
> server. Can anyone recommend such a script? Perl based script is prefered,
> Thanks,
> Weifeng
I don't know of any script for this, but if you have shell access over
SSH you can check out SSHFS over FUSE

Morten 'T-Hawk' Holt
In the joy of anticipation there's the anticipatory
letdown of anticipating not anticipating anticipation
of some future anticipation.