On Monday 24 Oct 2011 08:36:07 András Csányi wrote:
> Thank you very much! I'm going to do this way.
> If I make a file under /etc/portage/env/ directory, for example Amarok
> than in this file 

Under /etc/portage/env/ you need to make a directory with the category name 
and in that directory a file with the same name as the package that contains 
your custom stuff.ie /etc/portage/<cat>/<pkg> 

So for amarok(media-sound/amarok) your file would be /etc/portage/env/media-
for kde-base/kdelibs it would be /etc/portage/env/kde-base/kdelibs

>I can redefine the compile options and features for
> a particular package?

yes just put your custom stuff in the appropriate file.

Also note theres another(probably more) way to do this, remeber seeing it 
mentioned in an old thread here. 


- Yohan Pereira

"A man can do as he will, but not will as he will" - Schopenhauer