
That's totally weird. Couple things that could cause this -- try disabling any composting window managers you may have running to see if that makes a difference. Also, is your computer stressed out (100% cpu usage) when you view the page? I've noticed that, among other things, GUIs in general tend to crap out (lots of repeated/trailing graphics) when the CPU gets pegged -- could be caused by Flash, or alpha transparencies in CSS, Java, or anything really...

You may want to submit that screen shot as a bug to http://bugzilla.mozilla.org and see if they can recommend anything.

Interesting screen shot though!

- Brian

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 12:39 PM, Jason Messerschmitt <jasonmesserschmitt@gmail.com> wrote:

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 1:43 PM, Justin Findlay <justin@jfindlay.us> wrote:
On AD 2008 July 02 Wednesday 02:20:30 PM -0400, doki_pen wrote:
> +2 on firefox3.  Faster, doesn't slow down after long use.  I really see
> the difference with javascript.  The engine is much faster.  Just try a js
> heavy page(like google apps).  I haven't had any crashes.  Only complaint
> is that flash blocker(or maybe flash itself) doesn't always work.  I have
> to reload a couple of times to get youtube to work.  Also, some plugins
> haven't been ported yet.  I compiled it, and here are my use flags:

I've been using FF3 for about 2 months, and although many things have
improved during the beta phase it is generally about as memory and CPU
heavy as FF2.  The only real improvement I've observed as far as
performance is concerned is javascript.  I wish there were a light
version available.  I've tried galeon and epiphany, but both lacked
features that I really like in FF and now that there is a great amount
of extensions available it is harder to justify using another browser.
Maybe it's time to switch back to konqueror.


I've noticed an odd visual glitch with blogspot pages- it superimposes my desktop on some pages. It's a bit hard to explain so here's a pic. As far as I know it's only this page, but might be good fodder for some of you troubleshooters out there.