On Sunday, September 07, 2014 05:54:23 PM siefke_listen@web.de wrote:

> Hello,


> On Sun, 07 Sep 2014 09:42:44 +0200 "J. Roeleveld" <joost@antarean.org>


> wrote:

> > > http://picpaste.com/11-PzitLROe.png

> >

> > Please do not use this.

> >

> > > cups error.log with debug: http://pastebin.com/8mL75b26

> >

> > Please do not use this. Attach it to the email.


> Okay sorry, but with debug logs is often problems to append on emails

> to mailinglists.


Not on this list.

The use to pastebin and picpaste is frowned upon because those resources disappear, making the emails useless as reference material.


> > Lets start by basics:

> > 1) Which type of printer are you using?


> Multifunction Laser Printer Brother MFC-7320


Had a google on this and found some references which seem to indicate you need to download and install specific cups-drivers to get this one to work.


Did you try downloading them from Brother directly?



You might be able to convert the following PKGBUILD from Arch Linux to an Ebuild to get it to work:



> > 4) Did you restart cups after changing the USE-flag?


> The computer does not print over the network. That is strange.


To print over the network, you need to have a network printer configured.


> Cups I've restarted.

