On Wednesday, 28 April 2021 09:58:57 BST Wols Lists wrote: > On 27/04/21 23:00, Michael wrote: > > There's three options, I can think of: > > > > 1. Use dev-lang/rust-bin, as Matt suggested above. > > > > 2. Buy more RAM, or use a surrogate PC with more RAM to cross-compile it. > > > > 3. Use a partition with enough space on it to bind mount /var/tmp/portage, > > for this package only. > > > > I use the 3rd option, but I'm wondering if option 1 may be the smartest > > move for my needs. > > 4. Add gazillibytes of swap. With a maximum of 16GB on my mobo, my two > disks each have a 32GB swap partition so that's 80GB of "ram" available > to my system. My /var/tmp/portage tmpfs is 30GB. > > So obviously I use option 4 :-) > > Cheers, > Wol The "add more swap" solution remains feasible, but only for PCs which already have adequate RAM. By 'adequate RAM' I mean enough RAM to run the OS, plus at least a single compilation thread. With, say, <4G RAM, even a single compilation thread of a monster package will end up thrashing your disk continuously. The solutions are to set MAKEOPTS="-j1", plus deploy zram for / var/tmp/portage, plus add adequate swap and if your swap is on a spinning disk also use a better scheduler: echo bfq > /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler Nevertheless, if a bin package exists and does what you need it to do, the above gymnastics are probably akin to ricing with substandard hardware. :-)