On Wed, 18 Oct 2023 03:15:56 -0000 (UTC), Grant Edwards wrote: > > I have 4 Ubuntu-based machines here and over the last 6 years I've > > never seen a 1 minute delay to login, much less 5 minutes. > > I see it all the time. Two minutes is the most common delay that I run > into, but I've seen longer. The two-minute delay I frequently run into > has usually got something to do with networking. For example, if one > of the links is down, Ubuntu is really fond of waiting a couple > mintues for it to come up before it finishes booting. [If it doesn't > wait for all the network interfaces, how is it going to do all that > cloudy crap nobody really wants?] There are different ways of waiting for the network to come up in systemd, depending on your needs. Is lo enough, do you need an external network connection available, or do you need one up and working, do you have more than one network connection. It seems like Ubuntu is taking the safest-for-all approach of waiting for all network interfaces to be fully configured. > The really fun part is that since the methods used for configuring the > network on Ubuntu change with the seasons, 95% of the suggested fixes > you find are irrelevent even if they were on-target at one point. But change is good and new is better, no matter what it breaks, isn't it? ;-) -- Neil Bothwick If you can't be kind, be vague.