On 2020-12-28 11:28+0000 Michael wrote: > I noticed this error coming up today, on different rsync mirrors: > > ~ # eix-sync && emerge -uaNDv world > > * Running emerge --sync > >>> Syncing repository 'gentoo' into '/usr/portage'... > * Using keys from /usr/share/openpgp-keys/gentoo-release.asc > * Refreshing keys via WKD > .../usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/urllib3/ connection.py:218: > BytesWarning: Comparison between bytes and string if SKIP_HEADER not > in values: [ ok ] > >>> Starting rsync with rsync:// > >>> Checking server timestamp ... > rsync8.de.gentoo.org > > IPv4: > IPv6: 2a03:b0c0:3:d0::c3:f001 > Contact: rsync@moonitor.org > > The sync'ing completed, on the second attempt. > > What is causing the above error? Can I trust the mirror(s)? It seems to be a bug in >=dev-python/urllib3-1.26.0. Kind regards, tastytea -- Get my PGP key with `gpg --locate-keys tastytea@tastytea.de` or at .