[Please excuse the previous mail, I accidentally hit send too soon]

On 2020-05-18 06:41+0200
tuxic@posteo.de wrote:

> Hi,
> sorry for the somehow vague subject line...no native speaker...
> With Blender I do a lot of experimenting and tinkering which
> involves rendering most of the time.
> With rendering comes ... waiting for the result.
> Often (I am trying to) watch videos, like tutorial about
> what I currently trying to acchieve with Blender.
> The problem is, that the video (the audio does not) stutters
> in short periods. 
> Interestingly it does this not every time but quite often.
> And it only effects videos online.
> mpv for example is not affected.
> Is there any way to configure whatever it is in a way, that Online
> videos can be played smoothlessly also?

At first I would look into if Blender can be configured to use a lower
priority or fewer threads.

Another solution is to modify the priority yourself, with `renice
--priority 15 $(pidof blender)` for example. The priority can be from
-20 (very high priority) to 19 (very low priority).

Kind regards, tastytea

Get my PGP key with `gpg --locate-keys tastytea@tastytea.de` or at