Am Mon, 8 Jun 2015 13:27:37 +0000 (UTC) schrieb Grant Edwards : > On 2015-06-08, Marc Joliet wrote: > > > However, the one thing that annoys me is that msmtp does not seem to have any > > sort of queue [2], so if it can't deliver an email, it must be resent, which is > > annoying for system emails. > > I've been using msmtp for many years, and I find I don't miss having > an outbout mail queue. It turns out I just don't send e-mail when > "offline". If I do try to send mail, and it fails, I actually like > knowing about it imediately rather than finding out three days later > that something's broken and nothing I've sent out in the past few days > has actually been sent. Perhaps I should have been more explicit about this (I did imply it), but I use msmtp *only* for system emails, you know, from fcron, smtpd, portage, etc. When offline, it would mean that msmtp simply times out and I only notice it when looking through the logs. With portage it's not a problem, but with something like smartd that only sends notifications very rarely, it can be bad. However, Guy-Laurent's post made me aware of the msmtpq/msmtp-queue scripts that are installed by msmtp (but not in PATH). I will investigate these ASAP. Thanks -- Marc Joliet -- "People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup