Hey gurus I may soon get me a shiny (not in the sense of glossy, mind you) new monitor. Along with it, I’m planning on purchasing a colorimeter to properly calibrate it. Can anyone give me a recommendation for a device that runs well with Linux? It doesn’t have to be a super-pro device, but no el-cheapo either. I’ll need it mostly for photo editing and the warm feeling of having an above-average setup. *g* Oh and I want to improve my laptop experience, because those things usually come with crappy screens in the first place. So I’m looking at a price range of no more than 150€. Also, I’m looking for info on how to set up KDE (or the entire system?) to use the thusly generated colour profiles. So any food for thought? Thanks -- Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’ Please do not share anything from, with or about me with any social network. Bees aren’t at all hard working, they just can’t fly any slower.