On Sunday 16 Nov 2014 13:49:02 meino.cramer@gmx.de wrote: > Hi, > > I connected a Arietta.G25 via Ethernet over USB (using a simple USB > cable and hardware USB->Ethernet Adaptor to my Gentoo PC. I can ssh > on that little tiny board. Now I want to access the internat from > within the Arietta. Therefore all requests need to be transfered from > the Arietta board to my PC, which then plays the role of an ISP to > the Arietta board and itself places the requests to the internet > instead of the Arietta board itself. > > But this is a too longish explanation to be put into a google request. > > Is there any name for that...so I am able to find the tutorials/howtos > myself? > > Sorry...I am no native english speaker... > > Best regards, > Meino > > PS: What USB->Ethernet adaptor could one recommend...the Arietta is > USB-powered...? Sorry, I don't even know what Arietta may be. You need to be able to forward packets from Arietta via your PC and 'masquerade' their address. If the connection was via ethernet, then something like this would work: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iptables -t nat -F iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE However, I am not sure if something special is needed for a USB to PC connection, it depends what the USB connection shows up as. I hope this gets you on the right path. -- Regards, Mick