On Sun, 29 Jun 2014 22:46:50 +0200, wabenbau@gmail.com wrote: > That's not the point. If you wanna talk about stuff that's apparently > absolut useless to almost every member of this ML, then you should do > this at another place. Especially discussions with politically and or > military background are IMHO absolutely inappropriate. I don't consider this either political or military. The Spitfire and Hurricane are classic aircraft and respected from a technological point of view (speaking militarily, the Me109 was probably a more capable fighting machine). > But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Why shouldn't we talk here about everything > that cross one's mind? We could mark it as OT in the subject line, so it > should be no problem for everyone. Maybe we should discuss the local > daily weather? I think, that's a pretty good idea as it would increase > the noise level of this list even more. What do you think? I think you should calm down. If people who post a lot of useful information to this list want to engage in clearly highlighted light relief, let them. I found the thread interesting to read but did not contribute, partly because it was OT, so your heavy handed intervention has only served to worsen the situation (now we are getting in to military and political areas). -- Neil Bothwick A closed mouth gathers no foot.