On Mon, 9 Jun 2014 18:43:04 +0000 Alan Mackenzie wrote: > Hello, Rick, thanks for the reply. > > [... cut all the emerge output, quotes and text in between ...] > > What the heck is going on, when a package management system can't even > make a decision on which version of perl to use, and stick to that > decision? And it can only be described as a bug, that the > gobbledegook "(no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in > this slot)" passes for a supposedly informative message. > > Anyhow, thanks indeed for the help. Maybe, someday in the distant > future, I'll succeed in updating my Gentoo system after all. To start with, please avoid using -p (--pretend); sometimes emerge will continue regardless of what is displayed, which can help you forward. Though, that still might imply that you need to resolve that output. A very first thing you'll notice is that the Perl conflict seems to suggest that there is an old Perl version installed and a new Perl version scheduled to be merged. When you do a merge of an individual package, it won't consider the reverse dependencies of Perl and therefore it will result in a conflict instead of upgrading the reverse dependencies of Perl. A solution to this is to upgrade your entire system (@world) such that your entire system is in a consistent and upgraded state; however, this only is a way forward as long as it doesn't bring up a conflict. So ... In order to proceed here, you have to unmerge sys-power/upower (which you've already done) and mask sys-power/upower as well as sys-apps/systemd (yet to do), then an `emerge -auvDNt @world` should help you forward; if not, its output can help you bring it forward. If there is a mention about backtracking, try --backtrack=9001 or so; also, if it still tries to bring in sys-power/upower then you might have an overlay that attempts to do this (sync and/or contact author). As a result of the unmerge and mask, it picks upower-pm-utils for you. > Have a great evening! You too. -- With kind regards, Tom Wijsman (TomWij) Gentoo Developer E-mail address : TomWij@gentoo.org GPG Public Key : 6D34E57D GPG Fingerprint : C165 AF18 AB4C 400B C3D2 ABF0 95B2 1FCD 6D34 E57D