Am Fri, 16 May 2014 07:14:27 -0400 schrieb [...] > Also, what kernel do you need for this to > function -- and last question, how to convert an lvm volume to btrfs, or > do you just have to make some space somewhere and copy the files? I am not aware of being able to directly convert an LV; copying your files from a backup (or whatever) to a newly created btrfs is AFAIK your only option. You can directly convert Ext4 partitions, though (and even revert), though I have not tried this myself. As to the kernel version, the recommendation is to use the most recent stable versions of the kernel and btrfs-progs. > So far, I have liked lvm, what's the advantage of btrfs over lvm? I also liked LVM while I had it, but I like btrfs even more :) . But yeah, this has already been thoroughly answered. Additionally, you can also check the thread "planned btrfs conversion: questions", which I started, where others also posted their experiences with btrfs (and ZFS, too, to a smaller degree). -- Marc Joliet -- "People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup