Hi, On Thu, 6 Feb 2014 11:49:41 -0700 Joseph wrote: > I have in make.conf "USE: ... -systemd" > But gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon wants to pull in systemd-208 > so I need to emerge sys-apps/systemd-208-r2 and I have installed "udev" which conflicts with systemd. > > Do I need to unmerge udev and emerge "systemd". I'm not planning on switching to systemd after recent experience. So I was planning on avoiding it but I don't know > if I can. You can add openrc-force US flag to your make.conf. This way you will drop systemd dependency, though you may loose some run-time functionality of gnome. Other alternative is to add sys-apps/systemd to package.provided, though the effect will be the same as above. And you may switch to some other DE/WM of course. Best regards, Andrew Savchenko