From: Mick <>
Subject: [gentoo-user] Something is pulling in gnome-base
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2013 10:16:43 +0000 [thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
[-- Attachment #1: Type: Text/Plain, Size: 24440 bytes --]
Why is gnome-base suddenly necessary on my system? Is it media-plugins/gst-
plugins-gconf that wants to pull it in this morning, when it hadn't done so
This is what I see, but I also include the full enchilada below in case it is
more informative:
[nomerge ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-gconf-0.10.31:0.10
[ebuild U ] gnome-base/gconf-3.2.6-r1:2 [2.32.4-r1:2]
~ # emerge -uatDv world
These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:
Calculating dependencies... done!
[nomerge ] app-portage/layman-2.0.0 USE="git subversion -bazaar -cvs -
darcs -mercurial {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 (-pypy2_0) -python2_6"
[ebuild U ] dev-vcs/subversion-1.7.14 [1.7.13] USE="berkdb dso kde nls
webdav-neon -apache2 -ctypes-python -debug -doc -extras -gnome-keyring -java -
perl -python -ruby -sasl {-test} -vim-syntax -webdav-serf"
PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python2_6" 5,905 kB
[nomerge ] app-pda/barry-0.18.3 USE="nls -boost -desktop -doc -gui -
opensync -static-libs"
[nomerge ] dev-cpp/libxmlpp-2.36.0:2.6 USE="-doc {-test}"
[ebuild U ] dev-cpp/glibmm-2.36.2:2 [2.32.1:2] USE="-debug -doc -
examples {-test}" 2,256 kB
[ebuild rR ] kde-base/kamera-4.10.5:4 USE="handbook (-aqua) -debug" 0 kB
[ebuild U ] dev-util/meld-1.8.2 [1.7.0] USE="highlight -gnome"
PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%* -python2_6%" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -
python2_6%" 414 kB
[ebuild U ] www-client/chromium-31.0.1650.63 [31.0.1650.57] USE="cups -
bindist -custom-cflags -gnome -gnome-keyring -gps -kerberos (-neon) -
pulseaudio (-selinux) (-system-sqlite) (-tcmalloc) {-test}" LINGUAS="en_GB -am
-ar -bg -bn -ca -cs -da -de -el -es -es_LA -et -fa -fi -fil -fr -gu -he -hi -
hr -hu -id -it -ja -kn -ko -lt -lv -ml -mr -ms -nb -nl -pl -pt_BR -pt_PT -ro -
ru -sk -sl -sr -sv -sw -ta -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW" 170,438 kB
[ebuild U ] net-im/pidgin-2.10.7-r5 [2.10.7-r4] USE="dbus gstreamer gtk
ncurses nls spell xscreensaver (-aqua) -debug -doc -eds -gadu -gnutls -
groupwise -idn -meanwhile -mxit -networkmanager -perl -prediction -python -
sasl -silc -tcl -tk -zephyr -zeroconf" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7"
PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 0 kB
[ebuild rR ] app-office/libreoffice- USE="bluetooth branding cups
dbus gtk kde opengl vba webdav (-aqua) -debug -eds -gnome -gstreamer -gtk3 -
java -jemalloc -mysql -odk -postgres -telepathy {-test}"
LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS="presenter-minimizer -nlpsolver -scripting-beanshell -
scripting-javascript -wiki-publisher" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7 -
python3_3" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_3*" 0 kB
[ebuild U ] www-client/firefox-24.1.1 [17.0.9] USE="alsa dbus jit
libnotify minimal startup-notification -bindist -custom-cflags -custom-
optimization -debug -gstreamer (-pgo) -pulseaudio% (-selinux) -system-cairo% -
system-icu% -system-jpeg% -system-sqlite -wifi" LINGUAS="en_GB -af -ak -ar -as
-ast -be -bg -bn_BD -bn_IN -br -bs -ca -cs -csb -cy -da -de -el -en_ZA -eo -
es_AR -es_CL -es_ES -es_MX -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -fy_NL -ga_IE -gd -gl -gu_IN -
he -hi_IN -hr -hu -hy_AM -id -is -it -ja -kk -km -kn -ko -ku -lg -lt -lv -mai
-mk -ml -mr -nb_NO -nl -nn_NO -nso -or -pa_IN -pl -pt_BR -pt_PT -rm -ro -ru -
si -sk -sl -son -sq -sr -sv_SE -ta -ta_LK -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW -
zu" 117,373 kB
[nomerge ] net-misc/icaclient-12.1.0 USE="nsplugin" LINGUAS="-de -ja"
[ebuild U ] app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs-20131008-r2
[20131008-r1] USE="alsa development pulseaudio%*" ABI_X86="(-32)" 0 kB
[nomerge ] kde-base/kdeutils-meta-4.10.5:4 USE="cups (-aqua) -floppy -
[nomerge ] kde-base/print-manager-4.10.5:4 USE="(-aqua) -debug"
[nomerge ] app-admin/system-config-printer-gnome-1.4.3 [1.3.12] USE="-
gnome-keyring" LINGUAS="en_GB -ar -as -bg -bn -bn_IN -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -
de -el -es -et -fa -fi -fr -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -hy -id -is -it -ja -ka -kn -ko
-lo -lv -mai -mk -ml -mr -ms -nb -nl -nn -or -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -si -
sk -sl -sr -sr@latin -sv -ta -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW"
PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%* -python2_6%" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -
[nomerge ] app-admin/system-config-printer-common-1.4.3 [1.3.12]
USE="policykit -doc" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%* -python2_6%"
PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -python2_6%"
[blocks b ] <app-admin/system-config-printer-gnome-1.4.3 ("<app-
admin/system-config-printer-gnome-1.4.3" is blocking app-admin/system-config-
[ebuild U ] app-admin/system-config-printer-gnome-1.4.3 [1.3.12]
USE="-gnome-keyring" LINGUAS="en_GB -ar -as -bg -bn -bn_IN -br -bs -ca -cs -cy
-da -de -el -es -et -fa -fi -fr -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -hy -id -is -it -ja -ka -
kn -ko -lo -lv -mai -mk -ml -mr -ms -nb -nl -nn -or -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru
-si -sk -sl -sr -sr@latin -sv -ta -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW"
PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%* -python2_6%" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -
python2_6%" 872 kB
[ebuild U ] app-admin/system-config-printer-common-1.4.3 [1.3.12]
USE="policykit -doc" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%* -python2_6%"
PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -python2_6%" 0 kB
[nomerge ] net-im/pidgin-2.10.7-r5 [2.10.7-r4] USE="dbus gstreamer gtk
ncurses nls spell xscreensaver (-aqua) -debug -doc -eds -gadu -gnutls -
groupwise -idn -meanwhile -mxit -networkmanager -perl -prediction -python -
sasl -silc -tcl -tk -zephyr -zeroconf" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7"
[nomerge ] net-libs/farsight2-0.0.31 USE="-msn -python -upnp"
[nomerge ] net-libs/libnice-0.1.4 USE="upnp"
[nomerge ] net-libs/gupnp-igd-0.2.1 USE="introspection -python"
[ebuild U ] net-libs/gupnp-0.20.8:0/4 [0.18.4:0/0] USE="connman
introspection -networkmanager" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -python2_6%" 373 kB
[ebuild U ] net-libs/gssdp-0.14.6:0/3 []
USE="introspection -gtk" 277 kB
[ebuild U ] net-libs/libsoup- [2.38.1:2.4]
USE="introspection ssl -debug -samba {-test}" 723 kB
[ebuild U ] net-libs/glib-networking-2.36.2 [2.32.3] USE="libproxy
ssl -gnome -smartcard {-test}" 345 kB
[ebuild U ] net-libs/libproxy-0.4.11-r1 [0.4.10-r1] USE="kde -
gnome -mono -networkmanager -perl -python -spidermonkey {-test} -webkit"
PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -python2_6%" 92 kB
[nomerge ] net-im/pidgin-2.10.7-r5 [2.10.7-r4] USE="dbus gstreamer gtk
ncurses nls spell xscreensaver (-aqua) -debug -doc -eds -gadu -gnutls -
groupwise -idn -meanwhile -mxit -networkmanager -perl -prediction -python -
sasl -silc -tcl -tk -zephyr -zeroconf" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7"
[nomerge ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-gconf-0.10.31:0.10
[ebuild U ] gnome-base/gconf-3.2.6-r1:2 [2.32.4-r1:2]
USE="introspection ldap policykit -debug -gtk -orbit%"
PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -python2_6%" 1,524 kB
[nomerge ] app-admin/system-config-printer-gnome-1.4.3 [1.3.12] USE="-
gnome-keyring" LINGUAS="en_GB -ar -as -bg -bn -bn_IN -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -
de -el -es -et -fa -fi -fr -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -hy -id -is -it -ja -ka -kn -ko
-lo -lv -mai -mk -ml -mr -ms -nb -nl -nn -or -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -si -
sk -sl -sr -sr@latin -sv -ta -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW"
PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%* -python2_6%" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -
[ebuild NS ] x11-libs/gtk+-3.8.7:3 [2.24.17:2] USE="X cups introspection
(-aqua) -colord -debug -examples (-packagekit) {-test} -vim-syntax (-wayland)
-xinerama" 13,523 kB
[nomerge ] net-print/hplip-3.13.9 USE="X hpcups hpijs kde libnotify
policykit qt4 -doc -fax -libusb0 -minimal -parport -scanner -snmp -static-
ppds" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7 -python2_6" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -
[nomerge ] dev-python/notify-python-0.1.1-r3 USE="-examples"
PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python2_6"
[ebuild U ] dev-python/pygtk-2.24.0-r4:2 [2.24.0-r3:2] USE="-doc -
examples {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python2_6" 0 kB
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.24.22:2 [2.24.17:2] USE="cups
introspection (-aqua) -debug -examples {-test} -vim-syntax -xinerama" 13,063
[nomerge ] x11-libs/gtk+-3.8.7:3 [2.24.17:2] USE="X cups introspection
(-aqua) -colord -debug -examples (-packagekit) {-test} -vim-syntax (-wayland)
[ebuild N ] app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk-2.8.1:2 USE="{-test}" 261 kB
[ebuild N ] app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.8.0:2 USE="introspection"
427 kB
[nomerge ] media-gfx/imagemagick- USE="X bzip2 cxx
jpeg lcms openmp pango png svg tiff truetype xml zlib -autotrace -corefonts -
djvu -fftw -fontconfig -fpx -graphviz -hdri -jbig -jpeg2k -lqr -lzma -opencl -
openexr -perl -postscript -q32 -q64 -q8 -raw -static-libs {-test} -webp -wmf"
[ebuild U ] gnome-base/librsvg-2.39.0:2 [2.36.4-r1:2] USE="introspection
-gtk -tools -vala" 507 kB
[nomerge ] app-admin/system-config-printer-gnome-1.4.3 [1.3.12] USE="-
gnome-keyring" LINGUAS="en_GB -ar -as -bg -bn -bn_IN -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -
de -el -es -et -fa -fi -fr -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -hy -id -is -it -ja -ka -kn -ko
-lo -lv -mai -mk -ml -mr -ms -nb -nl -nn -or -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -si -
sk -sl -sr -sr@latin -sv -ta -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW"
PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%* -python2_6%" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -
[ebuild NS ] dev-python/pygobject-3.8.3:3 [2.28.6-r53:2] USE="cairo
threads -examples {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_3 -python2_6 -
python3_2" 642 kB
[nomerge ] app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk-2.8.1:2 USE="{-test}"
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/atk-2.8.0 [2.6.0] USE="introspection nls {-test%}"
620 kB
[nomerge ] media-video/vlc-2.0.7 USE="X a52 aac alsa avcodec avformat
cdda cddb dbus dts dvbpsi dvd encode ffmpeg flac gcrypt kde libnotify live mmx
mp3 mpeg ncurses ogg opengl png postproc qt4 sdl shout sqlite sse svg swscale
truetype udev vaapi vorbis x264 xcb xml xv -aalib (-altivec) -atmo (-
audioqueue) -avahi -bidi -bluray -dc1394 -debug -dirac (-direct2d) -directfb
(-directx) (-dshow) -dvb (-dxva2) -egl -fbosd -fluidsynth -fontconfig -gme -
gnome -gnutls -growl -httpd -ieee1394 (-ios-vout) -jack -kate -libass -libcaca
-libproxy -libsamplerate -libtar -libtiger -linsys -lirc -lua (-macosx) (-
macosx-audio) (-macosx-dialog-provider) (-macosx-eyetv) (-macosx-qtkit) (-
macosx-quartztext) (-macosx-vout) -matroska (-media-library) -modplug -mtp -
musepack (-neon) -omxil -optimisememory -opus -oss -portaudio -projectm -
pulseaudio -pvr -rtsp -run-as-root -samba -schroedinger -sdl-image -shine -sid
-skins -speex -switcher -taglib -theora -twolame -upnp -v4l -vcdx -vlm (-
waveout) (-wingdi) -wma-fixed -xosd -zvbi"
[nomerge ] gnome-base/librsvg-2.39.0:2 [2.36.4-r1:2] USE="introspection
-gtk -tools -vala"
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.28.2:2 [2.26.4:2] USE="X
introspection jpeg tiff -debug -jpeg2k {-test}" 1,165 kB
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/pango-1.34.1 [1.30.1] USE="X introspection -debug"
992 kB
[nomerge ] kde-base/kdebase-meta-4.10.5:4 USE="wallpapers (-aqua)"
[nomerge ] kde-base/systemsettings-4.10.5:4 USE="handbook opengl
semantic-desktop usb (-aqua) -debug -gtk {-test}"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/libxklavier-5.2.1 USE="introspection -doc"
[nomerge ] dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.36.0-r1 [1.32.1]
USE="cairo%* -doctool {-test} (-doc%)" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%*"
[blocks b ] <dev-lang/vala-0.20.0 ("<dev-lang/vala-0.20.0" is
blocking dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.36.0-r1)
[uninstall ] dev-lang/vala-0.14.2-r2:0.14 USE="vapigen {-test}"
[nomerge ] net-libs/gssdp-0.14.6:0/3 [] USE="introspection -
[nomerge ] dev-lang/vala-0.22.1:0.22 [0.14.2-r2:0.14] USE="vapigen {-
[nomerge ] dev-libs/glib-2.36.4-r1:2 [2.32.4-r1:2] USE="-debug (-fam)
(-selinux) -static-libs -systemtap {-test} -utils -xattr" ABI_X86="(64%*)
(-32) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -python2_6%"
[blocks b ] <dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.36 ("<dev-libs/gobject-
introspection-1.36" is blocking dev-libs/glib-2.36.4-r1)
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.36.0-r1 [1.32.1]
USE="cairo%* -doctool {-test} (-doc%)" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%*"
PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%*" 1,173 kB
[ebuild r U ] media-libs/libgphoto2-2.5.2-r1:0/6 [2.4.14-r1:0/0] USE="exif
jpeg nls -doc -examples -gd -zeroconf" CAMERAS="fuji ptp2 -adc65 -agfa_cl20 -
aox -ax203 -barbie -canon -casio_qv -clicksmart310 -digigr8 -digita -dimagev -
dimera3500 -directory -enigma13 -gsmart300 -hp215 -iclick -jamcam -jd11 -
jl2005a -jl2005c -kodak_dc120 -kodak_dc210 -kodak_dc240 -kodak_dc3200 -
kodak_ez200 -konica -konica_qm150 -largan -lg_gsm -mars -mustek -
panasonic_coolshot -panasonic_dc1000 -panasonic_dc1580 -panasonic_l859 -
pccam300 -pccam600 -pentax% -polaroid_pdc320 -polaroid_pdc640 -polaroid_pdc700
-ricoh -ricoh_g3 -samsung -sierra -sipix_blink2 -sipix_web2 -smal -sonix -
sony_dscf1 -sony_dscf55 -soundvision -spca50x -sq905 -st2205 -stv0674 -stv0680
-sx330z -topfield -toshiba_pdrm11 -tp6801 (-sipix_blink%) (-template%)" 6,296
[nomerge ] net-libs/gupnp-0.20.8:0/4 [0.18.4:0/0] USE="connman
introspection -networkmanager" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -python2_6%"
[ebuild NS ] dev-lang/vala-0.22.1:0.22 [0.14.2-r2:0.14] USE="vapigen {-
test}" 2,628 kB
[nomerge ] dev-util/meld-1.8.2 [1.7.0] USE="highlight -gnome"
PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%* -python2_6%" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -
[nomerge ] dev-python/pygtksourceview-2.10.1-r1:2 USE="-doc"
PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python2_6"
[nomerge ] dev-python/pygtk-2.24.0-r4:2 [2.24.0-r3:2] USE="-doc -
examples {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python2_6"
[ebuild U ] dev-python/pygobject-2.28.6-r55:2 [2.28.6-r53:2] USE="-
examples -libffi {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python2_6" 0 kB
[nomerge ] media-video/smplayer-0.8.5 USE="-debug" LINGUAS="-ar_SY -bg
-ca -cs -da -de -el_GR -en_US -es -et -eu -fi -fr -gl -he_IL -hr -hu -it -ja -
ka -ko -ku -lt -mk -ms_MY -nl -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro_RO -ru_RU -sk -sl_SI -sr -sv
-th -tr -uk_UA -vi_VN -zh_CN -zh_TW"
[nomerge ] media-video/mplayer-1.1.1-r1 USE="X a52 alsa cddb cdio
cdparanoia dts dv dvd dvdnav enca encode faac faad gif iconv ipv6 jpeg libass
live mad mmx mmxext mng mp3 network opengl osdmenu png quicktime rar rtc rtmp
sdl shm speex sse sse2 ssse3 theora toolame tremor truetype twolame unicode
vdpau vorbis x264 xscreensaver xv xvid xvmc -3dnow -3dnowext -aalib (-altivec)
(-aqua) -bidi -bindist -bl -bluray -bs2b -cpudetection -debug -dga -directfb -
doc -dvb -dxr3 -fbcon -ftp -ggi -gsm -jack -joystick -jpeg2k -ladspa -libcaca
-libmpeg2 -lirc -lzo -md5sum -nas -nut -openal -oss -pnm -pulseaudio -pvr -
radio -samba -tga -v4l (-vidix) -xanim -xinerama -zoran" VIDEO_CARDS="-mga -
s3virge -tdfx"
[nomerge ] media-libs/libass-0.10.1 USE="enca fontconfig harfbuzz -
[ebuild N ] media-libs/harfbuzz-0.9.23:0/0.9.18 USE="cairo glib
graphite icu truetype -introspection -static-libs" 1,004 kB
[nomerge ] app-admin/system-config-printer-gnome-1.4.3 [1.3.12] USE="-
gnome-keyring" LINGUAS="en_GB -ar -as -bg -bn -bn_IN -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -
de -el -es -et -fa -fi -fr -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -hy -id -is -it -ja -ka -kn -ko
-lo -lv -mai -mk -ml -mr -ms -nb -nl -nn -or -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -si -
sk -sl -sr -sr@latin -sv -ta -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW"
PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%* -python2_6%" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -
[ebuild N ] dev-python/pycairo-1.10.0-r4 USE="svg xcb -doc -examples {-
test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_3 -python2_6 -python3_2" 0 kB
[nomerge ] app-editors/wxhexeditor-0.21
[nomerge ] x11-libs/wxGTK- USE="X opengl sdl tiff (-aqua)
-debug -doc -gnome -gstreamer -odbc -pch"
[nomerge ] media-libs/libsdl-1.2.15-r4 USE="X alsa audio joystick
opengl video xv -aalib -custom-cflags -dga -directfb -fbcon -ggi -libcaca -nas
-oss (-ps3) -pulseaudio -static-libs (-svga) -tslib -xinerama"
[ebuild U ] media-libs/audiofile-0.3.6-r1:0/1 [0.3.5:0/1] USE="flac%*
-static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="(64%*) (-32) (-x32)" 519 kB
[nomerge ] www-client/firefox-24.1.1 [17.0.9] USE="alsa dbus jit
libnotify minimal startup-notification -bindist -custom-cflags -custom-
optimization -debug -gstreamer (-pgo) -pulseaudio% (-selinux) -system-cairo% -
system-icu% -system-jpeg% -system-sqlite -wifi" LINGUAS="en_GB -af -ak -ar -as
-ast -be -bg -bn_BD -bn_IN -br -bs -ca -cs -csb -cy -da -de -el -en_ZA -eo -
es_AR -es_CL -es_ES -es_MX -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -fy_NL -ga_IE -gd -gl -gu_IN -
he -hi_IN -hr -hu -hy_AM -id -is -it -ja -kk -km -kn -ko -ku -lg -lt -lv -mai
-mk -ml -mr -nb_NO -nl -nn_NO -nso -or -pa_IN -pl -pt_BR -pt_PT -rm -ro -ru -
si -sk -sl -son -sq -sr -sv_SE -ta -ta_LK -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW -
[nomerge ] x11-libs/cairo-1.12.14-r4 USE="X glib opengl svg xcb (-
aqua) -debug -directfb -doc (-drm) (-gallium) (-gles2) -legacy-drivers -openvg
(-qt4) -static-libs -valgrind -xlib-xcb"
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/pixman-0.32.4 [0.30.2] USE="mmxext sse2 ssse3%* (-
altivec) (-iwmmxt) (-loongson2f) (-neon) -static-libs" ABI_X86="(64%*) (-32)
(-x32)" 685 kB
[nomerge ] media-video/vlc-2.0.7 USE="X a52 aac alsa avcodec avformat
cdda cddb dbus dts dvbpsi dvd encode ffmpeg flac gcrypt kde libnotify live mmx
mp3 mpeg ncurses ogg opengl png postproc qt4 sdl shout sqlite sse svg swscale
truetype udev vaapi vorbis x264 xcb xml xv -aalib (-altivec) -atmo (-
audioqueue) -avahi -bidi -bluray -dc1394 -debug -dirac (-direct2d) -directfb
(-directx) (-dshow) -dvb (-dxva2) -egl -fbosd -fluidsynth -fontconfig -gme -
gnome -gnutls -growl -httpd -ieee1394 (-ios-vout) -jack -kate -libass -libcaca
-libproxy -libsamplerate -libtar -libtiger -linsys -lirc -lua (-macosx) (-
macosx-audio) (-macosx-dialog-provider) (-macosx-eyetv) (-macosx-qtkit) (-
macosx-quartztext) (-macosx-vout) -matroska (-media-library) -modplug -mtp -
musepack (-neon) -omxil -optimisememory -opus -oss -portaudio -projectm -
pulseaudio -pvr -rtsp -run-as-root -samba -schroedinger -sdl-image -shine -sid
-skins -speex -switcher -taglib -theora -twolame -upnp -v4l -vcdx -vlm (-
waveout) (-wingdi) -wma-fixed -xosd -zvbi"
[ebuild N ] media-libs/flac-1.2.1-r3 USE="cxx ogg sse -3dnow (-altivec)
-debug -static-libs" 1,971 kB
[nomerge ] app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.8.0:2 USE="introspection"
[nomerge ] dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.36.0-r1 [1.32.1]
USE="cairo%* -doctool {-test} (-doc%)" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%*"
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/gobject-introspection-common-1.36.0 [1.32.1] 0 kB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/glib-2.36.4-r1:2 [2.32.4-r1:2] USE="-debug (-fam)
(-selinux) -static-libs -systemtap {-test} -utils -xattr" ABI_X86="(64%*)
(-32) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -python2_6%" 6,417 kB
[nomerge ] x11-libs/gtk+-3.8.7:3 [2.24.17:2] USE="X cups introspection
(-aqua) -colord -debug -examples (-packagekit) {-test} -vim-syntax (-wayland)
[ebuild U ] dev-util/gdbus-codegen-2.36.4-r1 [2.32.4]
PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_3%* -python2_6 -python3_2* (-python2_5%) (-
python3_1%)" 0 kB
[nomerge ] www-client/chromium-31.0.1650.63 [31.0.1650.57] USE="cups -
bindist -custom-cflags -gnome -gnome-keyring -gps -kerberos (-neon) -
pulseaudio (-selinux) (-system-sqlite) (-tcmalloc) {-test}" LINGUAS="en_GB -am
-ar -bg -bn -ca -cs -da -de -el -es -es_LA -et -fa -fi -fil -fr -gu -he -hi -
hr -hu -id -it -ja -kn -ko -lt -lv -ml -mr -ms -nb -nl -pl -pt_BR -pt_PT -ro -
ru -sk -sl -sr -sv -sw -ta -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW"
[ebuild U ] dev-python/ply-3.4-r1 [3.4] USE="-examples"
PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* python3_3%* (-pypy2_0) -python2_6% -python3_2%" 0
[ebuild N ] dev-python/setuptools-0.8-r1 PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7
python3_2 python3_3 (-pypy2_0) -python2_6" 0 kB
[nomerge ] kde-base/kdebase-meta-4.10.5:4 USE="wallpapers (-aqua)"
[nomerge ] kde-base/konsole-4.10.5:4 USE="handbook (-aqua) -debug {-
[nomerge ] x11-libs/libxklavier-5.2.1 USE="introspection -doc"
[ebuild U ] app-text/iso-codes-3.45 [3.40] 3,518 kB
[nomerge ] www-client/firefox-24.1.1 [17.0.9] USE="alsa dbus jit
libnotify minimal startup-notification -bindist -custom-cflags -custom-
optimization -debug -gstreamer (-pgo) -pulseaudio% (-selinux) -system-cairo% -
system-icu% -system-jpeg% -system-sqlite -wifi" LINGUAS="en_GB -af -ak -ar -as
-ast -be -bg -bn_BD -bn_IN -br -bs -ca -cs -csb -cy -da -de -el -en_ZA -eo -
es_AR -es_CL -es_ES -es_MX -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -fy_NL -ga_IE -gd -gl -gu_IN -
he -hi_IN -hr -hu -hy_AM -id -is -it -ja -kk -km -kn -ko -ku -lg -lt -lv -mai
-mk -ml -mr -nb_NO -nl -nn_NO -nso -or -pa_IN -pl -pt_BR -pt_PT -rm -ro -ru -
si -sk -sl -son -sq -sr -sv_SE -ta -ta_LK -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW -
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/nspr-4.10.2 [4.10] USE="-debug" 1,078 kB
[nomerge ] app-admin/system-config-printer-common-1.4.3 [1.3.12]
USE="policykit -doc" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%* -python2_6%"
PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* -python2_6%"
[nomerge ] dev-python/pygobject-3.8.3:3 [2.28.6-r53:2] USE="cairo
threads -examples {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_3 -python2_6 -
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/gnome-common-3.7.4:3 149 kB
[nomerge ] dev-lang/vala-0.22.1:0.22 [0.14.2-r2:0.14] USE="vapigen {-
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/vala-common-0.22.1 [0.18.1] 0 kB
[nomerge ] net-im/skype- USE="-pax_kernel (-selinux)"
[nomerge ] app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs-20131008-r2
[20131008-r1] USE="alsa development pulseaudio%*" ABI_X86="(-32)"
[ebuild U ] app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20131008-r6
[20131008-r4] USE="development" ABI_X86="(-32)" 0 kB
[nomerge ] www-client/firefox-24.1.1 [17.0.9] USE="alsa dbus jit
libnotify minimal startup-notification -bindist -custom-cflags -custom-
optimization -debug -gstreamer (-pgo) -pulseaudio% (-selinux) -system-cairo% -
system-icu% -system-jpeg% -system-sqlite -wifi" LINGUAS="en_GB -af -ak -ar -as
-ast -be -bg -bn_BD -bn_IN -br -bs -ca -cs -csb -cy -da -de -el -en_ZA -eo -
es_AR -es_CL -es_ES -es_MX -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -fy_NL -ga_IE -gd -gl -gu_IN -
he -hi_IN -hr -hu -hy_AM -id -is -it -ja -kk -km -kn -ko -ku -lg -lt -lv -mai
-mk -ml -mr -nb_NO -nl -nn_NO -nso -or -pa_IN -pl -pt_BR -pt_PT -rm -ro -ru -
si -sk -sl -son -sq -sr -sv_SE -ta -ta_LK -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW -
[ebuild N ] virtual/libffi-3.0.11 0 kB
[nomerge ] media-video/mplayer-1.1.1-r1 USE="X a52 alsa cddb cdio
cdparanoia dts dv dvd dvdnav enca encode faac faad gif iconv ipv6 jpeg libass
live mad mmx mmxext mng mp3 network opengl osdmenu png quicktime rar rtc rtmp
sdl shm speex sse sse2 ssse3 theora toolame tremor truetype twolame unicode
vdpau vorbis x264 xscreensaver xv xvid xvmc -3dnow -3dnowext -aalib (-altivec)
(-aqua) -bidi -bindist -bl -bluray -bs2b -cpudetection -debug -dga -directfb -
doc -dvb -dxr3 -fbcon -ftp -ggi -gsm -jack -joystick -jpeg2k -ladspa -libcaca
-libmpeg2 -lirc -lzo -md5sum -nas -nut -openal -oss -pnm -pulseaudio -pvr -
radio -samba -tga -v4l (-vidix) -xanim -xinerama -zoran" VIDEO_CARDS="-mga -
s3virge -tdfx"
[nomerge ] dev-libs/libcdio-0.83 USE="cddb cxx -minimal -static-libs"
[nomerge ] media-libs/libcddb-1.3.2 USE="-doc -static-libs"
[ebuild N ] virtual/libiconv-0 0 kB
[-- Attachment #2: This is a digitally signed message part. --]
[-- Type: application/pgp-signature, Size: 490 bytes --]
next reply other threads:[~2013-12-07 10:17 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 24+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2013-12-07 10:16 Mick [this message]
2013-12-07 10:31 ` [gentoo-user] Something is pulling in gnome-base Tom Wijsman
2013-12-07 11:03 ` Mick
2013-12-07 11:27 ` Tom Wijsman
2013-12-07 11:47 ` Mick
2013-12-07 16:27 ` Tom Wijsman
2013-12-10 15:25 ` Walter Dnes
2013-12-10 23:40 ` Mick
2013-12-07 11:29 ` Peter Humphrey
2013-12-10 23:49 ` Mick
2013-12-11 7:38 ` Alan McKinnon
2013-12-11 10:58 ` Peter Humphrey
2013-12-11 16:29 ` Mick
2013-12-11 16:39 ` Alan McKinnon
2013-12-11 16:52 ` Peter Humphrey
2013-12-11 21:04 ` Mick
2013-12-11 22:01 ` Alan McKinnon
2013-12-12 10:01 ` Peter Humphrey
2013-12-13 7:04 ` Mick
2013-12-13 7:46 ` Alan McKinnon
2013-12-13 10:49 ` Peter Humphrey
2013-12-13 16:44 ` Mick
2013-12-15 0:52 ` Walter Dnes
2013-12-15 1:39 ` Tom Wijsman
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