Florian Philipp writes: > tmpfs uses as much memory as necessary and nothing more. In theory, it > doesn't hurt to add all your memory to it as tmpfs will start to swap > when you run out of memory. However, it is usually a better idea to > unmount the tmpfs and use a regular file system whenever you need more > space. > > As Volker noted, it is probably best to use 2GB tmpfs and when you > emerge libreoffice, (and maybe firefox and co.) to switch back to using > a regular fs. You could also expand tmpfs so that it can eat all memory > not used by your applications under normal circumstances. In order to avoid manual intervention when building large packages, I do it that way: In /etc/portage/package.env I have entries like these: app-emulation/virtualbox safecflags.conf j1.conf app-office/libreoffice notmpfs.conf j1.conf dev-java/icedtea notmpfs.conf dev-lang/R j1.conf games-fps/alienarena notmpfs.conf games-fps/worldofpadman notmpfs.conf kde-base/kdm j1.conf kde-base/plasma-workspace j1.conf kde-base/systemsettings j1.conf mail-client/thunderbird notmpfs.conf media-sound/amarok debug.conf ~net-mail/dovecot-2.1.15 j1.conf net-misc/nx j1.conf sys-boot/grub grub.conf www-client/firefox notmpfs.conf Which means that for those packages the .conf scripts in /etc/portage/env.d/ are sourced. j1.conf has the line 'MAKEOPTS=-j1' in it, so those packages are not being compiled in parallel. I happen to have problems with many packages due to my MAKEOPTS being '--jobs --lod 5', somehow this make much more trouble than MAKEOPTS=-. notmpfs.conf has 'PORTAGE_TMPDIR=/var/portage/tmp', while my normal PORTAGE_TMPDIR is /var/portage/tmpfs. It is 4G in size, still this is not enough for many packages. Firefox and Thunrbird are fine with the size, but they tend to be compiled both at once, and then it is not enough. safecflags.conf is: CFLAGS="-pipe -march=amdfam10 -O2" CXXFLAGS=$CFLAGS debug.conf: CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O2 -ggdb" CXXFLAGS=$CFLAGS FEATURES="-buildpkg splitdebug" And grub.conf is 'export DONT_MOUNT_BOOT=blabla', this avoids Grub messing around with my /boot directory. Isn't portage just cool? Wonko