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From: "Walter Dnes" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 01:18:19 -0400
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Question about updating /etc/portage/package.use
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On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 07:26:54PM -0700, Mark Knecht wrote
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 7:19 PM, Mark Knecht <> wrote:
> >
> > Post package.use please.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Mark
> Also, what version of portage are you using?
> Note that I've never seen this message and other than adds and deletes
> haven't changed my package.use file in I don't know how long.

  It's sys-apps/portage-  My /etc/portage/package.use is
attached.  I start my USE with "-*" so I have to put a lot of stuff in
package.use.  Anyhow, I ran an update world.  When I ran etc-update, here
are the changes it wanted to make to package.use...

-app-emulation/qemu-kvm sdl
+# move app-emulation/qemu-kvm app-emulation/qemu
+app-emulation/qemu sdl

  So they changed the name.  No problem.  I'll do this manually.

-media-video/mplayer iconv

  ?!?!? But, but, but... on my first attempt, the update refosed to run,
claiming that "iconv" is required if I specify "truetype".  Now 5
minutes later, it wants me to remove the "iconv" flag.

-www-client/midori deprecated

  No bleeping way!
* Short story Flash does not work on linux midori without this option
* Long story.  See "I got midori working, including Flash" which I
  posted on the 15th in this forum.  The Flash binary is GTK+:2 and only
  works if linked with GTK+:2, which "deprecated" causes.  The default
  install links against GTK+:3, which seems to be ABI-incompatable with
  Flash video (sound still works).

  BTW, this install is on my "media PC" hooked up to my 50" plasma TV,
not my regular working machine.  I went and deleted the new config, so I
don't accidentally enable it it some day.

Walter Dnes <>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="package.use"

app-arch/zip -bzip2
app-crypt/gnupg -X
app-editors/vim -X
app-emulation/dosemu -X
app-emulation/wine -mp3
app-emulation/qemu sdl
app-misc/mc -X ncurses
app-shells/bash readline

# following items required by xpdf
app-text/poppler abiword xpdf-headers utils
app-text/xpdf motif
dev-lang/python readline xml
dev-libs/xmlrpc-c curl

dev-libs/libxml2 python

mail-mta/ssmtp mta

mail-client/mutt buffysize gpgme mbox pop smime smtp
media-fonts/terminus-font pcf
media-gfx/imagemagick raw
media-gfx/ufraw contrast gimp hotpixels
media-libs/alsa-lib midi
media-libs/libsdl alsa audio -joystick video
media-libs/mesa gallium
media-libs/win32codecs real
media-sound/timidity++ -X
media-sound/mpg123 alsa

media-video/ffmpeg alsa faac faad
media-video/mplayer iconv
media-libs/libpng apng
media-libs/libtheora encode
media-video/avidemux x264
media-video/mplayer alsa ass encode i8x0 mmxext real ssse3 -joystick quicktime rtmp -vorbis x264 xvmc

net-misc/openssh -X
net-nntp/slrn uudeview
www-plugins/gecko-mediaplayer ass
sys-apps/groff -X
sys-devel/gcc fortran
sys-fs/mtools -X
sys-libs/glibc glibc-omitfp userlocales
www-client/dillo gif jpeg png
www-client/midori deprecated
www-client/w3m -X -imlib
www-plugins/adobe-flash 64bit
x11-base/xorg-server xorg
x11-wm/icewm imlib

x11-base/xorg-x11 bitmap-fonts font-server truetype-fonts type1-fonts

# If it's going to be a rescue package, it damn well better work
# standalone when libraries get screwed up.  Also set "mdev" for
# udev-less operation.
sys-apps/busybox mdev static

# Goffice requires the next 2 lines
# and first line also enables SVG support in Firefox
x11-libs/cairo svg
dev-libs/libpcre unicode

# Next line required for Dillo to properly render scalable fonts
x11-libs/fltk xft

media-sound/alsaplayer alsa audiofile

# Postgresql stuff
dev-db/postgresql-base threads zlib doc readline
dev-db/postgresql-server doc perl python tcl uuid xml
