On Sat, 25 Aug 2012 00:56:41 +0200, meino.cramer@gmx.de wrote: > In /etc/exports on the PC I entered this: > /tmp/NFS,rw,no_subtree_check) > > When setting chmod 700 /tmp/NFS, chown root:root /tmp/NFS > on the server side (PC) I cannot write to the directory > as root on the client side (single board computer). > On both sides root is 0:0. > > When setting chmod 777 /tmp/NFS on the server side, I am able to write > at the client side to the that directory, bit listing that files shows > me that they become owned by nobody:nobody which is > nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/sh on the server side. Where did you get the no_subtree_check options from? If you'd read it in the man page you'd have seen that you also need no_root_squash. Without this option, the root user on the client is mapped to a non-root user on the server. -- Neil Bothwick WinErr 079: Mouse not found - A mouse driver has not been installed. Please click the left mouse button to continue.