On Monday 30 January 2012 21:20:59 Dale wrote:


> I had to replace a mobo and hard drive for a friend once. For some

> reason the drive and controller went out. Anyway, when we reinstalled

> winders, it said we had to call M$ to get some long freaking number.

> While on the phone with them, I told them I had never heard of such

> nonsense before. She progressed to telling me all the canned responses

> but she didn't expect my response. I told her I used Linux and when you

> get a CD and install it on more than one system, the Linux folks have a

> party instead of requiring a confirmation number. I then went on to

> explain how I was doing this for a friend and that I wouldn't install M$

> crap on my rig if it was free. I could tell she was not happy about my

> thoughts on her product since she got quiet. Me being a chatter box at

> times, I just kept explaining the advantages of Linux over M$.


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Peter Linux Counter 5290, 1994-04-23